



The appeal of Miyatake designs – The meaning of designs and “positivism”宫武一贵设计的魅力-设计的意义与“实证主义”

T: I know I’ve said it before, but I am a huge fan of the unrivalled Destroid Monster. Last year, a photo of a young Steve Jobs was revealed where he had a toy of the Monster from back in the day in his office! Seeing foreign Macross fans select the Monster from a range of toys makes me think, “these guys aren’t playing around!”

天神英贵:我是Destroid Monster(也就是怪兽歼击机器人)的死忠粉,我看到某一年曝光的,年轻乔布斯的办公室照片中有一个“怪兽”的玩具!看到国外的超时空要塞粉丝从那么多玩具中选择了“怪兽”,不禁让我想到这些家伙可不是闹着玩的。

M: It’s one of the strangest of my designs, and probably the most unique.


Destroid Monster

T: You think so too?


M: What do you think is its design motif?


T: ..?

M: There are two. The original idea for it is comes from the M50 “Ontos” – an American anti-tank vehicle equipped with a recoilless 6-barrel cannon. 


M50 “Ontos”

The other is that of a chick. It has a beak, and it has eyes, see? The torso is a little cut off, so the legs are enormous! The overall form is completely made out of that of a chick.


 I thought if I made the smallest, weakest-looking thing into the most powerful thing, the incongruity of the whole would make an incredible mass of madness. After piling up all those logic gaps the design naturally ended up in this shape. This kind of methodology doesn’t work for everything, though. I think you can only pull this off once. (Laughs)


Destroid Monster与人的比例

T: In “Macross Frontier”, I added a mouth to the König Monster design myself. At the time, I was wondering to myself why the Monster only had eyes and not a mouth, and there are moments when it looks sort of cute, so I didn’t know how to interpret that.

天神英贵:在“超时空要塞-边境”中,我自己给“König Monster”(也就是VB-6)加入了一张嘴。当时我就在想,为什么这个怪物只有眼睛而没有嘴巴,有时候它看起来还挺可爱的,所以我不知道我该如何解释。

König Monster VB-6

M: Oh, so you noticed that! Thank you.


T: So when it came to draw the box art for the “Hi-Metal R Destroid Monster”, I ended up commenting a lot on how the eyes look when viewed from the front. They are completely facing the sides, so when looking from the front you can’t see them and it loses something of the character. I thought that was the strangeness of the Monster… But now since you say that it is a chick… I should have added some slightly less-motivated eyes.

所以当我开始为“Hi-Metal R Destroid Monster”绘制盒装美术时,我便开始评估它的眼睛。正面看的时候,它们完全面向两边,所以当你从正面看时,你看不到它们,这就少了些性格。我原以为这是怪物的古怪之处……但既然你说它是一只小鸡……我就应该加上一些不那么有动机的眼睛。

Hi-Metal R Destroid Monster

With the markings on the König a while back, for some reason they added nose-art covering them, so I was very shocked. I was like, “You’re putting it there?!”


nose-art 的位置-盖住了怪兽的眼睛

M: As a design, I was aiming for a land battleship. A giant ground weapon that would be so big as to be totally preposterous. Nobody would ever think to make a land artillery vehicle that has four 20cm cannons! If they are going to make such a ridiculous thing into a product, then I thought it should have a strong sense of character. So I came upon the idea of giving the weakest character to the strongest thing. The beak would be made out of the cockpit ladder for the pilots. On top of that, I thought that the sense of character would be strongest in the eyes, so I gave it really clumsy-looking eyes.


T: But when the people of later generations draw the eyes of the Monster, they tend to draw powerful eyes, because that is what the name invokes.


M: That’s just the natural progression, and everyone has their own impression.


T: Oh, good. So I was correct.


M: Also, if you place the pupils right in the center of the eye, they face outwards laterally, so the expressiveness is lost, that’s why the eyes are looking a little closer to the front. Whether you are drawing a loli character [a cute little girl character] or a yuru-chara [the term for a cute mascot character], if the pupils are at the center, it looks weird. You should either make them close together, or make them look to one side. A girl’s expression is all in the gaze, so you have to be aware of that.


T: I finally understand. Thank you!

